

Hello, my name is Adina Oberman

Who am I?

I’m a preschool teacher and a mom of 2 young kids. For nearly 10 years I’ve been helping families through the ups and downs of early childhood. I love sharing my knowledge of early childhood education and my passion for great children’s literature. I hold a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education, with an additional certificate in Early Childhood Special Education.

My goal is to help parents and educators find books that address the “tough stuff” of life, from dealing with grief, and anxiety, to potty training and bad dreams. I’m focused on featuring books with characters of diverse backgrounds and from all walks of life. I hope that children will see themselves reflected in the high-quality books featured here and that these books will be helpful resources to parents during life’s challenges.

What Are Good Books?

We all know that reading to our kids is important. But it’s also important to choose high-quality books as often as we can. This is particularly important for young children, as they navigate new experiences, meet new people, and learn how to manage big feelings. The right books can help make all of this easier!

When we read good books to our kids, they meet characters that lend them their courage in times of stress, they find words that help them express themselves better, and they build bridges to new possibilities. Great stories help them learn how to face challenges and teach them that they are supported in their successes and their struggles.

Need A Book?

I’m always working on new topics! If you have a topic you don’t see featured here, please send me an e-mail at bigbooksforlittlehands@gmail.com, I’d love to find books for you. If you found a book that worked better for your child than those recommended here, let me know!